Triumphant (Battle Born, Book Fourteen)

Copyright © 2017 Cyndi Friberg A red haze clouded her vision as she whirled to face him. “What did you do to her?” “She’s unharmed,” he stressed. “She was on my ship when I left, but she might have—” His eyes widened as she flew at him, fingernails poised to rip into his face. He

Defiant (Battle Born, Book Thirteen)

Copyright © 2017 Cyndi Friberg He stood and moved to the bedside. The room was so small, it only took one step. “You’re my mate, Jenna. I will always protect you.” It sounded like a vow. “Even if I choose someone else?” she asked with an innocent smile. Not surprisingly, he growled and drew her

Fearless (Battle Born, Book Twelve)

“All it proves is I don’t like you.” She stressed the last three words, drawing them out as she glared at him. “You’re a bully and I detest bullies.” She jerked against his restraining hands, but his hold was unbreakable. A fact that never failed to arouse her. He extended his arms, pushing himself as

Enforcer (Battle Born, Book Eleven)

Copyright © 2017 Cyndi Friberg “This night is for pleasure, not worry.” “But worry is more natural to me,” she admitted, feeling uneasy with him hovering over her. He was like a great bird of prey circling his victim, waiting for the perfect opportunity to swoop down and make the kill. “Then we need to

Mage (Battle Born, Book Ten)

Copyright © 2017 Cyndi Friberg Long moments passed as she clung to him, absorbing what warmth she could. The rain soon drenched his clothes and dampened his skin, decreasing the heat he was passing on to her. “If I increase my body temperature any more, I’m risking brain damage,” he spoke against her dripping hair.

Triad (Battle Born, Book Nine)

Copyright © 2016 Cyndi Friberg He lightly touched her chin, guiding her gaze back to his. “Bilarrians choose their mates. With Rodytes it’s different. It’s instinctive, visceral, and impossible to resist.” “I was taught about what Rodytes call the pull. I understand what happens and what it means.” “But have you ever experienced it?” One

Spy (Battle Born, Book Eight)

Copyright © 2016 Cyndi Friberg “It’s not your choice to make.” Her voice grew stronger, but her body swayed toward his, needing something only he could give. “Of course the choice is yours, but how can you choose if you don’t understand what’s being offered?” She had no answer for that, so she just glared

War Bride (Battle Born, Book Seven)

Copyright © 2016 Cyndi Friberg “What must I do to be allowed to wear one of your shirts?” Her tone was tight, her expression carefully guarded. “Kiss me.” Her eyes widened then narrowed and she looked around the room. Was she trying to locate the closet so she could just take the shirt? He fought

Undaunted (Battle Born, Book Six)

One moment he’d seemed almost angry and now, she wasn’t sure what this was. “It’s not a matter of trust. I—” He caught the back of her hair and turned her head until their gazes locked. Despite the firmness of his hold, he wasn’t hurting her, just denying her need to escape. “Yes or no.